Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kaden and Kaleiah's first airplane ride!!

Day 1, Getting there:
We had to wake up at 6:00am to catch our 8:30am flight. It was only the 2nd time we ever had to wake the babies up for something and I dreaded it! It seems so horrible to wake sleeping angels from their warm, peaceful sleep but they were amazing about it. Kaleiah actually woke up while I was packing my last few things, so that was good :) Daddy had to wake Kaden and it was so sad. He was so out of it :(
We picked up my Mom and niece and headed to the airport (my dad and other niece flew separate from us). The babies were such troopers for having to get up so early. The first flight was about 3 hours to Georgia. They took turns napping which was great. When they were awake they colored and watched the t.v's that were attached to each seat on the plane. They were absolutely perfect babies. We then had to catch another plane from GA to the Caribbean another 3+ hours) and of course we switched times zones so that threw off their schedule,but they adapted better than I could have imagined! It was a life saver having my mom and 18 yr old niece with us. We all sat in a row and took turns holding, playing with and entertaining them! We finally got our luggage, piled in the rental van and after getting lost, finally made it to the condo. We went to bed around 1am island time. I was seriously so proud of how well they did on the plane rides...between being confined for hours, being totally off schedule, and being tired...they were so well behaved. As the plane landed and we all stood up to get our things, passengers around us gave compliments on how impressed they were w/ them and how well behaved they were. One lady even stopped us later in the airport just to tell us she had never flown w/ such good toddlers! Seriously, this is not an easy age (3 mo shy of 2...and more on that later!) so again, we were so impressed and are thankful to have such good babies!!!

I have so many pictures that I'm going to do separate posts!

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