Friday, January 29, 2010


Another new first...
The other day for lunch I decided to make Kaden and Kaleiah peanut butter and jelly for lunch!
I even cut the crust off because that's the way I like it :)
It took some convincing but Kaleiah finally tried it and really liked it! Kaden only touched it but would NOT try it. He wanted nothing to do with it! He is going through a phase where he is ultra picky and only likes a few things. It's been sorta difficult because obviously we want him to get proper nutrition but after you try making 5 different things every meal in hopes he'll eat it, finally you give up and say "at least he is eating!!" He loves yogurt, scrambled eggs and nutrigrain bars at the moment.
Anyways, here are some pics of PB&J for the first time!


Tara said...

brady is going through a similar phase. he currently REFUSES to eat anything other than mac n cheese, yogurt and kix. i am desperately trying to find where my fruit and veggie loving kid went!!!

Brenda said...

That is too cute! Look at Kaden...........LOL!!! He is barely touching it!!!