Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter and egg hunt #2

Easter Sunday I dropped my bunnies off w/ my parents so I could go to service at 9 and then I picked them up and went back for the 11 service in which I serve and teach the 2-3 year old class (K&K are with me in there too :)). I sat w/ my hubby and our friends, another married couple :) The service was awesome, one of the Chilean minors spoke about what it was like for those 69 days stuck under ground. He was an incredible faithful, Godly man and his story was powerful! After the service we headed out to where they had an egg hunt, bounce houses and a petting zoo.
After naps we had one more egg hunt for K&K at our house and then it was off to my parents for Easter dinner w/ my fam :) Easter is the most important day of the year, to me. A day we celebrate that our Savior was crucified and died for US and OUR sins. I don't think I will ever comprehend that kind of Grace. I can't WAIT to teach K&K all about the tru meaning of Easter as they get older!

Kaleiah is VERY selective to who she gives affection, especially kisses, to. Sometimes you have to flat out trick her like my sister did. Whip cream kisses :)


Tara said...

love kh's outfit!!

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful family!