Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sep. 26, 2008...finally left the hospital after 2 mo!

September 29, 2008
We're Blowin this Pop Stand
On Friday Megan began her 32nd week of the pregnancy and as a "congratulations" for making it to this milestone the hospital felt that with Megan's track record in the hospital, her stability and the gestational timing, that she could go home and finish bed rest there. Now, while we have the luxury of being in our own place, Megan is not allowed to really do anything different than at the hospital. She can lay in the bed or on the couch or (if we get a padded lounge chair) she can even lay outside on the lounge chair for about an hour a day for some vitamin D. So if anyone has a padded lounge chair that we can borrow for a few weeks that would be great!
Megan is still only allowed to get up to use the restroom and shower, but at least we are in our own home and she can hang out with our cat! One of the main difference is that while she was in the hospital she had a TOCO to monitor the contractions24/7 and now that we are at home it is up to us to pay attention and track how many contractions she has. She can easily start contracting too much (the criteria is 2 hours in a row of 8) and we could be re-admitted to the hospital, so please keep praying that things stay calm for our little babies and Megan's uterus! Megan is on two oral medications for contractions both of which she was taking while in the hospital.

We are on day 4 at home and it has been pretty great! In total we spent 60 days in captivity at the hospital and it was amazing to see how God worked in our lives, and in the lives of our babies. We truly can attribute the fact that she still has these babies cooking, to Him!

Since we have been home, I, along with help from my mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, and brother-in-law started to work on the babies room (we are so blessed to have such an caring and helpful family). We painted over the past two days and i think it is looking good!All we need are decorations and bedding, putting the cribs together, and getting a rocker for the room and we will be good to go! The help was amazing especially since i was at work half the time! Megan says the ONLY thing she misses at the hospital is the ice. They do have the best ice!

Thank you all again for your prayers and support. Every time you prayed, we felt it and God heard it. "Thank you" doesn't seem like enough. Megan and I both can't believe those 2 months are behind us.
Oh, one last thing...we won't be 100% sure on the names until we see their faces but here is what we have been calling them for about 6 weeks.................
Kaden William (William after William Randall and also after Randy's father) and Kaleiah Hope (pronounced ku-lay-uh).

WEEK 32:
This week is a milestone of sorts: Babies born after this time tend to do well even if they are premature. Nearly 10 percent of babies are born before week 37, when they officially come to term. At 32 weeks, all major organs are functioning except the lungs, which may need further time to develop. But your little one doesn't exactly look like a rosy cherub--she weighs about 3 pounds, and her thin, wrinkly skin hasn't filled out with the layers of fat that develop later. Luckily, in many cases, all she'll need is some time in an environmentally controlled isolette to become the chubby angel you imagined.

Length: 18-19 in.
Weight: 4 lb.

We will find our the weight and see how they are doing on Oct 8.

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