Thursday, February 11, 2010

I am so shocked-in a good way!

EVERY SINGLE NIGHT for over a year we have rocked the twins to sleep. This is how it works, one of us rocks one while the other takes the other one to our bedroom where we read a book or quietly play until the previous baby is asleep. Then we rock the next baby. We have been rocking them to sleep since they were just a few months old.
Tonight I was rocking Kaleiah and she was sort of fighting it, she was talking and wouldn't lay still. So I decided, "I'm going to go lay her in her crib and Daddy can rock Kaden. When he is done, if she is still awake, I'll rock her." So I took her in her room, lights off, kissed her and said ni night. I layed her down and left. I didn't hear a peep when in fact I was expecting crying the second I layed her down.
I went and told Daddy he could rock Kaden and I did some things. All of a sudden I remembered that I had put her down and hadn't heard a single peep...I went to check on her and she was sound asleep! Maybe she was trying to tell me, "Mommy, I'm becoming a big girl, I don't need to be rocked." I must admit, I will miss it. They are only babies once and she'll be 16 before I know it. I cherish everything.

This news may not be a big deal to most mom's but for us it is huge!! The twins have never really slept well and I can only count a handful of times where they have slept through the entire night, not waking once. They constantly wake each other up. This includes nap times as well.

Because they are used to being rocked for two naps and bed time everyday, I didn't really think it would work to just lay her down. I am seriously overjoyed :) My ONLY complaint about them is that they don't sleep great. Actually, Kaleiah sleeps pretty well. She only wakes 3 times at the most a night. Kaden is another story...he won't even sleep in his crib! :) Oy vey!

Anyway, I am so ecstatic that our routine was shortened tonight. It can take an hour of rocking total for bed time. On a good night it takes 10 min. So you better beleive I will be trying this again tomorrow! We always talk about the day that they just go to sleep on their own! Maybe it's closer than we think!! :)

Disclaimer: I don't need any tips about sleeping or opinions on why they don't sleep well. We don't mind the way things are. But thank you!! :) :)


Tara said...

that is so great!

i do firmly believe they tell you in their own ways when they are ready for something. brady did the same thing K did. ever since he was born i would sing and rock him to sleep. then, about 1-2 months ago, he started arching his back and becoming restless. i layed him in his crib with his lovey and told him i loved him and night night. he fell right to sleep on his own. every since then, he goes to sleep completely on his own for every nap and bed. it amazes me. i guess he was just ready to do it his own way. kinda sad...our babies are growing up so fast!

and KUDOS to you for not minding still being so sleep deprived when they are 16 months old! i think i would die if brady was waking 3 times a night still, and he's only 10 months! i would definitely be dead by 16 months! haha!

Megan said...

I agree! They totally tell us, in their own way. It was a huge relief tonight but also kind of sad! Just another area where they don't need us now! :( ::TEAR::

I think I am so used to not sleeping that I am used to it :)
I have slept maybe 2-3 full nights (8 hours solid) since July 2008.

The thing is, Kaleiah does sleep pretty well! I mean, out of the past three nights she has woken up twice. So basically once a night for two nights and one night she slept solid from 9:00-8:20. We woke up amazed :) But Kaden wakes so frequently when we put him in his crib and it wakes her up. That is what we have dealt with their whole lives...they wake each other up! So, it has been working for us for Kaden to sleep with us and for her to sleep in their room. Of course it would be ideal to have our bed back :)

I can't even fathom what life would be like to get real, solid, restful sleep. What it would be like to not have to spend up to 2.5 hours rocking babies, per day. And that's just me, it's not including Randy, rocking them.

I just always tell myself, this is going to be over so fast. Before I know it they will be in school and not need me for any of this stuff! So while in the moment it can be tough, I know it won't be forever. Plus, after fighting to get them here I feel blessed to do ANYTHING with them at all :) If I spend my days rocking babies, and spend my nights comforting babies it's a pretty darn sweet life! :) :)

But really, why must they grow up so fast!! Brady will be ONE in roughly 6 weeks???

Tara Marie Photography said...

exactly. i couldnt agree more.

brady is currently breaking 6 teeth and had one night recently where he was up 4 times (and he usually sleeps 730-730). but after having two friends lose FULL term babies in the last few months, i happily woke up each and every time with him.

i am so grateful he is here and healthy and God has blessed me with him and with the opportunity to be a mother. i definitely shouldnt have ANY complaints, ya know? i have it so good compared to so many.

so yeah, i def agree with you. if rocking babies to sleep is as bad as it gets, we had/have it pretty darn good. ;)

and you're absolutely wont last forever. you guys will eventually get your bed back. its not like he will be 16 and wanting to sleep with you guys. haha! ;) and i have actually read up a lot on co sleeping and its supposed to be really good for the bond between the baby and the parents. so, thats a plus going for you!

yeah, my sweet little B is going to be a year on the 29th of next month. i can HARDLY believe it. i was working on his 1 yr slide show recently and i literally began crying. it just doesnt seem real. when matt and i were out to dinner the other night we were actually talking and planning out when we were going to start trying again. it seemed to surreal. it seemed like we just found out we were pregnant with brady and now we're already discussing having #2?!?!? WHERE does the time go? it really is crazy.

although, i have never been more excited for anything in my life than i am his first birthday! all his decorations came in the mail today and i was like a kid on christmas morning. :) :) :)

Megan said...

I can't WAIT to see pictures from his party! You have such amazing taste in everything, it's probably going to be unbelievable! I can't believe he will be one either! I remember when we reconnected in FB, he was just 3 months!!

Baby #2!?? YAY!!! When!!!?? SO, so exciting!

I hope it's a girl!!!! :)

TBG said...

hey megan! glad you liked my blog-i'm excited to catch up on yours, too! no, i'm not a twin, but have fraternal twin sisters! it may go further back, i just dont know the details, but my dad has twin aunts, twin cousins, twin daughters and now twin grand babies! love it :) that's crazy that you "just knew" did my husband! before we even went in for the ultrasound at 8 weeks, he told me he had a really strange feeling it was twins. God is good!

Tara said...

aw, you are so sweet! thank you so much! i *hope* it's fantastic! :)

i know, huh! i didn't even think about that! he was just itty bitty when we reconnected!! i probably say it on a daily basis, but time goes by SO fast. i think even faster when you're a parent, huh?

we are going to start trying at the end of the year. i am VERY excited. i have such baby fever, it is crazy. well, ive had baby fever my whole life, but i think when you HAVE a baby it goes to an entirely new level. haha!