Friday, December 18, 2009


I just found this web site with TONS of photos of me and the babies! WHY!??!! They have ones from the NICU even!! They are titled and an albums. Why would someone take the time to do this? It's in German. I am so creeped out and feel sick. Maybe I'm over reacting but I feel totally violated. I am making now blog private from now on!!!


Cia said...

They steal them from your blog or if you have any other open web site you post pics on. I would block your blog from the public.

I am so sorry this happened to you :/

Meagan said...

I'm still so bothered by this! I'm going to try and see how to make this blog private. So creeepy.

Allison said...

Wow! That is super creepy!
Sorry about that!

Tara said...

leticia is right.

im sorry you are going through this. it gives me a very sick feeling. this is exactly why my blog has always been private. :(

NoBadDaysCourtney said...

You should have Dom translate what it says and help you contact them and request they remove it. They don't have to remove it by law but you can still try. SO CREEPY!!

Cami said...

Oh my gosh! I am so sorry this happened to you! How creepy... :/