Saturday, December 12, 2009

Happiest place on earth

Randy's 29th b-day was Friday and what better way to celebrate than go to the happiest place on earth? :)
Randy and I have been pass holders at Disneyland for about 7 years, we got them together when we were dating. They expired last May and it was the first time we didn't renew them. We decided to wait until the babies got a little older and also because you get in free for your birthday so we decided to wait until now.

We had been waiting for so long to take the babies there. It is specifically something my thoughts wandered to when I was on bed rest in the hospital. Day dreaming about how fun it would be to take them in December, becuase it looks so beautiful and cheery all decorated for Christmas! We almost took them last December but since they had only been home for less than 2 months, I was bf-ing every 3 hours AND it is always yucky flu season right about now, we decided to wait a year. And I am so glad we did! They are at such a fun age and really loved all the sights and sounds.
We had plans for months to take them this week and then early on in the week we learned it was suppsossed to rain that day and all weekend! So we decided to have my dad watch them while we just drove up and got the passes (you get in free for your b-day but you have to go ON your b-day). But I was so bummed that we wouldn't get to take the babies. So, we decided to take some big umbrellas and just chance it. Good thing too because it didn't rain until we were on our way home!
It was one of the funnest days so far as a little family mostly because we had dreamed of taking them there! To see their faces as they looked at things with innocence and wonder, I mean, that is what Disneyland is all about! It was just SO SPECIAL! I can't wait for all the times we will take them back in this next year!!!

As soon as we go there we saw Mickey! I'm sure they recognized him, we watch him everyday! How special to see him on their first time!
!We took them on Small World which they loved

When the carousel started moving, he got a little nervous :)


Meagan said...

How fun! I Love how both of them are staring at Mickey! SO cute!!!

Brenda said...

So special! Great memories and pics! They totally know Mickey from watching Mickey's Clubhouse everyday!!! Hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog!