Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Good Night Moon

K&K love reading Good Night Moon as of the past month. After I read it to them once, they knew the title! I think every child grows up reading this book. Every night after baths we head to their room, put their baby lotion on (which KH LOVES to do by herself), put their jammies on, brush their teeth and then they immediately lye on their tummies to read :) I LOVE our night time routine so much. I cherish it.


Tara said...

sounds IDENTICAL to our bedtime routine, only we read in the glider. :)

i hope B will grow to enjoy goodnight moon as much as i did and still do. right now he gets bored with it...

Meagan said...

aww how sweet!!! I read that to Rowan tonight! I can't wait until he really "gets it"