Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Let's go Angels, let's go!!

Today was a wonderful day, Randy came home early and we took the babies to their very first baseball Angels game of course!
We dressed them in head to toe Angels gear and it was A-D-R-O-A-B-L-E!
We knew it was going to be hot but oh my gosh, was it HOT! It was 102 degrees and I have never seen the babies faces so red! I made sure they drank plenty of water, we went in and out of the air conditioning and I wiped them down with a cold, wet paper towel. Also, we got snow cones with just ice and with all of that, they stayed pretty cool!
Our first stop was to say hi to Grampa (who works there as his 2nd and "for fun" job)! Daddy also works there once in a while so it was neat to show the babies :) Grampa of course loved their outfits and was showing them off as any proud grampa would :)

Next, we headed to the Angel's team store to get Kaden a hat (we forgot his at home) and after seeing how much Kaleiah loved the rally monkey obviously we had to get the babies their first one! Kaleiah's is pink and Kaden's is red and white :) We also made a very smart purchase in the form of a spray fan, you know, the kind that create mist? It was amazing to have and kept us cool!

We actually walked around the whole time, never sat in our seats. The babies were loving the new sights and sounds, they love experiencing new places. I love as parents that we can expose them to new things and see the learning taking place. I love so much to see the world as they see it, so fresh and new!
We had fun just walking around and experiencing our first game together as a family. Randy and I have gone many times together and even once while I was pregnant, and this one was by far the BEST ONE! I am so in love with the little family God has blessed us with!

The babies draw lost of attention wherever we go and today was no different. Lots of stares and comments and random people coming up to us, because they looked so darn cute in all their gear! People always comment on how happy, well behaved and sociable they are. They love people and are just such happy and easy going babies. God blessed us more than we could have imagined with these two.
We ran into some friends from church who were there with their team and graciously invited us up to their suit for a little bit. It was so nice bc we could let the babies play and cool down! It was nice to rest and escape the heat !

Kaden will grow up loving baseball I'm sure, because he comes from a long line of baseball lovers/players. I can't WAIT for the tradition of Daddy taking him to games. It's going to be memories that will last forever.
After we left the suit, I fed the babies and Kaden immediatly fell asleep. I carried him all the way to the car through the roaring crowd, loud noises and blazing heat and he never woke up!

All in all, the day was pretty awesome. Anytime we experience a "first" with the babies is always an extra special day. Today was so great and so fun. I was so impressed (but not surprised ;)) by how well they did with the heat, loudness and all of the stimulation. I just wish we could have gone to more games this season! :)


Meagan said...

How Fun!! I cant wait to take Rowan to an A's game!

Brenda said...

What a great first!!! They looked so cute!! What fun!