Friday, May 22, 2009

What's new?

Just a quick update on what's new with Kaden and Kaleiah.
A few weeks ago Kaleiah started to scoot and begin to army crawl. Now she completely army crawls and is very good at it! If we put a toy in front of her and ask her to come get it, she does! It's so cute to watch them play on the floor bc she turns in circles using her elbows and can go get whatever toy she wants! She also lays on her tummy but her arms are stiff, lifting her chest off of the ground. I imagine she'll be crawling very soon! Kaden scoots but hasn't tried army crawling yet :) I do not compare them to eachother, they are really just two babies born at the same time. Just becuase they are twins doens't mean they are the same, developmentally. Plus, girls develop faster anyway.
They are also sitting up, as previously posted! It is so cute, they can sit facing eachother now and they are ALWAYS smiling at each other. I love seeing the bond between them already.
Kaleiah talks and sings...alot! She says "dadaadad" and "babababa." Kaden says "Wowowow" and it is hilarious! Kaleiah has a dainty little voice and usually wakes up singing to her bear or paci. Kaden smiles and giggles ALL day! He has this certain little noise he makes when he is excited (which is most of the time). They love playing in their excersaucers or just on the floor.
They have started to get more attached to me, for example, when I leave the room for any reason they sometimes start to cry. At this age (7 1/2 mo, adjusted age 6 mo) they are able to picture me and miss me when I go out of their sight.
They also have started to find comfort in a little blanky bear thing, Kaleiah sleeps with hers every night. She loves it!
Kaleiah has reached for me when being held by someone else and I must say, it warmed my heart! When I go to ge them out of their exersaucers I hold my arms out and they try and reach theirs up!
They have so much personality and are just so much fun!! I smile and laugh all day bc of them. I am truly blessed to be able to stay home with them everyday and raise them!
I hope to start adding some short videos to the blog!


Meagan said...

The pictures you take are great, their personalities totally shine through!! this age is soooo fun!!!

Brenda said...

Such cute babies! So fun to watch them grow!

Dan and Sam said...

K, totally get this, being a twin myself. My mom use to always say, "Yes they are twins, but two different people, just in the same place at the same time" =)Robin and I hated being compared growing up. Your doing a great job Mama!