Sunday, August 7, 2011

Kaden's first hair cut!!!

On August 2nd we took you to get your first hair cut. You had never even had a trim before! I LOVED your whipsy baby hair so much but it was just getting a little out of control :) Part of me felt bad for cutting it even though you are almost 3 and it's your FIRST hair cut because you had just finally gotten a good amount of hair over the past 8 months or so! You were bald as a baby and finally got some peach fuzz after your first year and by 18 mo I could make a tiny Mohawk.
We went to "First cuts" at the mall and you sat in a rocket ship chair, had a toy story "cape" and got to watch Toy Story while the lady cut your hair. You did SO good, sat so still and never made a peep. The only time you moved is when she used the buzzers, you thought that felt funny :) At the end we got a certificate to put in your baby book as well as a tiny manila envelope with some of your sweet baby hair in it! I held back crying but I did tear up as we watched, I am just so dang sentimental and firsts are SO special to me!
First thing I told her was to not go too short, just clean it up a little and I was getting anxiety when she kept cutting! Although I love it and think it's absolutely adorable, I think maybe she went a little too short. I wanted to still be able to comb it over and have some length on the top but she said if we wanted to be able to style it like in a little faux hawk that it needed to be shorter. Daddy reminded me its just hair and it WILL grow back :) We really do love it! She styled it for you and you just loved it. You did such a great job, buddy!

I go back and forth, sometimes I think you look just like you did last summer at 20-22 mo just with less of a baby face. So I LOVE that, I love feeling like when I look at you I have rewound time by a year :) Then there's moments (mostly when it's styled) that you look like SUCH a little boy which I also love but get a little sad over! But no matter what you look as cute as ever! :)
My cute boy. And there goes the baby hair.

buzzers :)

styling :)

All done and handsome as ever!

1 comment:

Tara said...

ahhh! so cute!! he looks crazy old to me!! its amazing what a haircut can do!!

i love the little mementos. i cut brady's hair myself, but for his first, i wanted that special little certificate, so i took him to a place. sounds pretty similar to yours...sat in an airplane seat, watched a show, and i got a little certificate and lock of hair for his baby book. :) those little things mean so much to me. :)