Monday, November 15, 2010

Santa 2010

This was the twins' 2nd time ever, sitting with Santa :) Their expression were almost exactly the same as last year :)
We took them today and there was NO line! This is why we decided to go so early this year, to avoid the crowds and horrendous line. We dressed them up in their outfits for Christmas (which by the way, you can not even tell the sheer cuteness by the pics alone!) and I tried to give them a pep talk all morning about sitting with Santa. I told them he was so nice and that actually he was Grampa's friend (be they both have a mustache I figured they would be comfortable with him if they related him to Grampa) which turned into me telling Kaden that Grampa and Santa ride go on motorcycle rides together. But hey, whatever works. And it sure worked! Good thing they won't remember I said that though or else I'm sure thet would expect some special treatment from Santa since he is friends with their Grampa! Haha!
So there I was, trying to convince Kaden, who was on the brink of crying, that Santa was so nice and that he should go meet him and Santa was waving from over in his chair. Kaleiah was ready to go although she was a tad reserved. So I said I'd go with them and we'd go meet Santa together. Worked like a charm. I sat them on his lap and we snapped away. Nothing we did would entice a smile out of them but we were just thrilled that they sat still and didn't cry :) 2 isn't the easiest age you know :)
Then, Santa's helpers had a big malfunction with their machine and were unable to retrieve the pictures. So all we have is the ones we took but hey, I'm not complaining. Saved is $22! All in all it was another adorable experience and one I can't wait for them to read about on here (their baby books) :)

And for fun, here is last year's pic :)


Brenda said...

Well they looked adorable even if they didn't want to sit with Santa! I was wondering how you could dress them anywhere near as cute as they were last year! But they looked sooooooooo cute in those outfits!

Tara said...

aw! we have an appt for brady on the 4th and i can hardly wait! :)

kaden's outfit is almost IDENTICAL to brady's this year, minus the hat! great minds think alike! ;)

3 boys 1 princess said...

precious!! what Santa is this? He's the best ever!

Anonymous said...

So cute. Your kids are so fashionable! LOVE!