Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Disneyland trio (me and my peas)

I take the twins to Disneyland by myself all the time these days and we all love it! I took them once last year, shortly after they turned 2 and it was so much freaking work and by the end of the day I decided I would never do it again!!! Well, I got a wild hair last month and decided to give it another go (almost exactly a year after the first try) and it was awesome!
2-3 is a big difference! They listened so much better and can do a lot more for themselves which helps. I've taken then a few more times since and it's a blast. Don't get me wrong, going to a theme park alone with twins is an insane amount of work but I like the super mom feeling it gives me...from the packing up, driving, walking all over the park (we cover a lot of ground, my calvs are always so sore by night), waiting in lines with two 3 year olds), all the restroom breaks (sometimes we have to get out of line and bee line it to the closest one!) and the getting them all ready for naps in the car and doing every single moment of it alone, with NO, I'm tired just thinking about it :) It's a fun way to kill a few hours, makes the day go quicker and plus, I love seeing their faces when they wake up in the morning and I tell them were going :)

1 comment:

Tara said...

2-3 is such a huge difference! Glad you are adventuring out alone! Matt and I will be there next week-can't wait!