Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Nashville Bound

We'll keep it short and sweet, here is what God has been doing in our lives:

It began about a year and a half ago that God began to put Nashville on our hearts individually. Once we realized this, we knew He had then put it on our hearts as a couple. What it meant however, we had no idea. For months we found ourselves constantly thinking about Nashville, feeling like God was up to something. We didn't quite understand it but we just knew deep down God was putting this city, and a specific church (Cross Point), on our hearts. Feeling this way individually and as a couple, it was undeniable that God was speaking to us.

Over the next few months we found ourselves picturing ourselves out there, picturing making a life out there, doing ministry out there, raising our family there...we even looked online at houses and thought we were crazy for doing so...I mean why were we!? It made no least at the time. But the feeling that God was trying to tell us something about Nashville never quieted down, for over a year it persisted and in a way, got louder and clearer as the months went on. We consciously listened and prayed for Him to show us what He was trying to do. About a year after God began to put the city and specific church on our hearts, Randy received an opportunity to work there and accepted. It was clear, God had been preparing us for over a year for this, it was clear now why we had a tugging on our hearts about it. God had been working.

The past 4 months have been filled with prayer. And here we are today. We felt for well over a year that God was calling us to Nashville and we have made the decision to follow Him.
This is the hardest thing either of us have ever done. We are leaving our families and all we know, an incredibly amazing job here at Saddleback, but we feel this is where The Lord is calling us. We have spent months in prayer and reflecting on all God has shown and spoke to us and have had many sleepless nights, shed a lot of tears, wrestled with a lot of doubt but in the end we KNOW that this is where God is leading us for this season of our lives. 

In Him,
Randy and Megan

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