Saturday, October 1, 2011

3 years old

Another year has flow by and I am certain they go by faster each year! I literally feel like I was just planning your 2nd birthday. You have grown so much in the past 12 months and it's been absolutely thrilling, beautiful and magical so watch. I love experiencing every single moment of your life with you and being right beside you to help you grow into amazing little children. God has been so good to us and has given us 3 years of health and safety and we are always thanking Him for his blessing, especially for the blessings of your lives to us. It started out as an incredibly scary, rough road and we weren't sure what the future held but we now know God's plans did indeed prosper us and did not harm us, just like His Word says! God's will and timing is perfect.

It's nearly impossible to describe what you are like at this age. You are sooo different than you were 12 months ago! You are so incredibly smart. You are so sweet, well behaved, well mannered, and even tempered MOST of the time. We really haven't experienced much of the terrible two's. There have been the occasional tantrums but thankfully never in a store or crowded place where we have had to leave or anything like that. You usually just cry and pout, refuse to listen for a minute or 2 and then it's over. And what I am especially grateful for is it's never at the same time :) I can only count about 7 or 8 instances where you have been "terrible" in the past year and that's between the both of you. You are honestly such good listeners and very polite and good mannered for being so little (which makes me proud bc I get to see that as my reward for what I teach you) :)
I hear that the "terrible twos" get worse at age 3 so we will see what I am in for :)

You love helping me cook! ANY time I am making something in the kitchen you are right by my side helping me measure and stir and I love your help! Very soon I want to take you and a mommy and daughter date to a cooking class! You would just LOVE that! You are always playing restaurant at your little kitchen. Your imagination blows me away :)

You and Kaden are all about pretend play these days. This came into full affect about 3-4 months ago. You are off in your room having conversations and pretending for good amounts of time. Not only is it incredibly cute to hear and watch but it's been a great thing because I can get a lot more don now that you can completely and totally entertain yourselves and each other. You are literally built in best buddies.

You still LOVE food. This has not changed in 3 years. You are a bottomless pit, much like me, you have one of the healthiest appetites in a toddler that I have ever seen. You will try ANYTHING at least once, you got that from daddy. You are so open to trying new things to see if you like it. You often take Kaden's plate and finish what he left. Besides your 3 meals, you love to graze. Like me, you get incredibly grumpy and irritable when you are are happiest when you have food/ a snack in your hand (also like me). And you are still tall and skinny, I have no idea where you put all that food :)

In the past 6 months you have really gotten into the Disney Princesses! You love them, your absolute favorite is Ariel. You love watching Little Mermaid and Cinderella. You love playing dress up! I have dreamed of that since I was little....about playing dress up and pretend with my own daughter....and now those days are here. For your birthday you got a Sleeping Beauty and Ariel dress from Nana and you wear them all the time. You want to be Ariel for Halloween :)

You are still the outgoing on for the most part. You are also the braver of the 2 of you. You will be the first to pet an animal or say hi to someone. Sometimes your personalities switch but for the most part you have always been and are still the more outgoing one. I think you are going to be a social butterfly just like your dad! :)

You love to sing. Some of your favorite songs to sing are "Jesus loves me" "How great is our God" the songs from Little Mermaid and anything off Neon by Chris Young (because that's my fav cd right now in the car!) :) Every night when I tuck you in I sing How Great as I stroke your little face. I usually hear your sweet little voice singing it for a few more minutes after I leave, until you finally fall asleep.

Over the past 2 months you have become a little afraid of the dark and things that go bump in the night. Back in August we had about 3 weeks where you hated bed time and would come up with a million excuses. You would say you were thirsty or something scared you or your back hurt. We had to move some things and take a few things off your wall bc you said they scared you. I know your imagination is growing and so you may be a little more sensitive to things that seem scary. Last night when I tucked you in you said "It's dark in here" and I said "Yes, it's dark when we go ni-night and it's ok." And you said "But God will keep me safe?" Yes my dear, He always will :) Thankfully the past month you have gone back to your great sleeping.

You are still in your crib. There is no reason to fix something that is not broken! At least that's what works for our family. In August when you were having your sleeping issues, you climbed out 3 times in 2 days. Before that you had only climbed out ONE time at about 18 months old. We lowered your mattress to the floor (only had to for one night) and you never tried to again. We put it back up to where it was and you still have not climbed out again. Since you two share a room, we wanted to keep you in your cribs for as long as possible because we're afraid that once in beds, you will just get up and play and keep each other from sleeping. And we are not ready to deal with all that or for naps to possibly end (which I have heard of happening) because you would rather get up and play. You love your cribs and you still totally fit. I think we will probably switch to beds around Christmas time though.

You still have a paci. You have always been paci loving babies. As a mother of multiples, you do what works. You do what you need to do. Pacifiers worked like a charm from day 1 and were life savers for a loooooooong time. Now, of course, they are just a comfort thing and you do not need them. We hoped to have you weaned of them by now but we're not worried about it. I have never seen a child go to school with one or be crippled in adulthood because they had a paci til 3. And as far as teeth issues, we took you to the dentist for your first check up/cleaning at 2 1/2 and he said it is absolutely nothing to be concerned about. You do not use them much, only when you are in the car, going to bed or when you're upset or really tired. When you are playing or at the park or we go to the store or out places you know you do not have them. I hope we can get rid of them by Christmas :) You also still have your special blankie, "boo" and I think it's sweet. You love boo!!!

Your hair is long enough to braid! I tell you, I have dreamt of that since you were born. Sure, the braid is tiny, but it's a braid! You have SO much more hair then you did at two! I just love the texture and the color. Such a pretty chestnut color, full of shades of brown, red and blonde!

I just love everything about your personality, even the feisty stubbornness because I know you get that from your mamma. You know what you want, when you want it and you are very strong willed. I hope you always keep that about you!
I love how much you love to learn! Your eyes light up whenever you learn or see new things. You are such a smart, caring, funny, spunky little girl. I am so excited to see how you grow and change this 3rd year! Your Daddy and I love you to the moon and back and will continue to pray for you! Love you ladybug!!

You are as much of a mamma's boy now as you were as an infant. But now it's even better because you can freely express how much you love me and when you do I just melt. The other day I was carrying you to your room and you hugged me so tight and said I love you SO much." I literally chocked up at how sweet that was that you said that out of no where. We have always been close and I pray it always stays that way! Our bond is magical.

You have become SUCH a little boy, not just a baby/toddler lil guy. You love laying on the floor and driving your trucks, you make driving sounds and everything. You love your cars, especially any of the characters from the Cars movies!

You love to sing. Some of your favorite songs to sing are "Jesus loves me" "How great is our God" and anything off Neon by Chris Young (because that's my fav cd right now in the car!) :)You know every word to almost every song. It's adorable!

You and Kaleiah are all about pretend play these days. This came into full affect about 3-4 months ago. You are off in your room having conversations and pretending for good amounts of time. Not only is it incredibly cute to hear and watch but it's been a great thing because I can get a lot more don now that you can completely and totally entertain yourselves and each other. You are literally built in best buddies. I need to record more of your conversations and play times!

In the past 6 months you have gotten into Disney movies and you keep saying you want to be Buzz Lightyear for Halloween :)

You are still the more reserved one between the two of you. You are like me, cautious and a little shy until you warm up to people. You are weary of new situations but over the past few months you have became more outgoing and brave! You are more willing to take chances now and try new things, weather it be holding a lizard that we catch, saying hi to a neighbor or riding a new ride at Disneyland that a few months ago would have for sure scared you :) I love that about you, I love that you are reserved at first but once you love something/someone, you love it! I love that you are sensitive, I think it's also going to be a quality your future wife will love.

You are still a little picky when it comes to food and don't often like to try new foods. You love mac and cheese, yogurt, fruit (peaches, bananas and strawberries are your fav), you also LOVE fish (we make talapia a lot and you devour it) and steak, namely Korean short ribs. We had some at a family bbq and you couldn't get enough! Even though you aren't as adventurous food wise as your sister, you still eat well!

You still have a paci. You have always been paci loving babies. As a mother of multiples, you do what works. You do what you need to do. Pacifiers worked like a charm from day 1 and were life savers for a loooooooong time. Now, of course, they are just a comfort thing and you do not need them. We hoped to have you weaned of them by now but we're not worried about it. I have never seen a child go to school with one or be crippled in adulthood because they had a paci til 3. And as far as teeth issues, we took you to the dentist for your first check up/cleaning at 2 1/2 and he said it is absolutely nothing to be concerned about. You do not use them much, only when you are in the car, going to bed or when you're upset or really tired. When you are playing or at the park or we go to the store or out places you know you do not have them. But we hope we can get rid of them by Christmas :) You also still have your special blankie, "boo" and I think it's sweet. You love boo!!!

You are still in your crib as well but just for naps. You still sleep with us at night. As I have written to you before, if we minded or were dying from having you sleep with us, it wouldn't still be going on. We actually love it as much as you do, I think! And most of the time I feel guilty that sissy isn't in the bed with us 3 :( But she is a lot more independent and likes her space when she sleeps :) You are only this little ONCE. And we love our sleeping situation. But hopefully in 6 months you'll be in a big boy bed in your room with your sister.

You are such a boy. Rough housing, tormenting the cat, throwing dirt, spitting, you do it all. It's so funny to me because some moments you are this rough and tough little guy who gets these bursts of agression and you play hard and then the next minute you'll be so sweet and cuddly and sensitive. Perfect mix if you ask me :) You are sooo sweet, mellow, sensitive, smart and funny!! Your Daddy and I love you to the moon and back and will continue to pray for you!
I love everything about you and can't wait to see how you grow and change in from 3 to 4!

Well my loves, it's so hard to describe just what you are like these days and how fast you grow and change. That is why I take SO many pictures and videos, so I have hundreds, no, thousands of moments to look back on. This past years was such an incredible age. So much change. You grow and learn and turn into little people more and more every day and it's a blessing to get to watch and be your number one fan. Thank you Lord for this gift!!!!

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