It's February but today felt like June. The weather was gorgeous so we headed out to the pier in beautiful San Clemente (home)! It was such a beautiful day, we leisurely walked up and down the pier enjoying the sounds and smells of the beach! We got stopped numerous times by people curious about our peas :) The babies seemed to enjoy the fresh air too!
Yesterday Randy and I took the peas to see our good friends Taffy and Sue. We met up, ate some goodies and talked about babies! It was so good seeing them!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Nana came and helped me on Sunday! I love this sweet picture of her Mommy and Kaden, playing They have become so aware of eachother, they love to stare and talk to each other
Kaleiah tries so hard to roll over! I bet she will very soon. His eyes are so gorgeous. He will be trouble for the ladies w/ those baby blues :) He is such a happy, sweet baby boy!
We are so enamored with the babies and they are so much fun!! They are such good babies and bring so much joy and laughter to our lives. We have learned so much about ourselves as individuals and as a couple because of them. We feel so blessed to be their parents and thank God every day for them! Twice the work but also twice the love and happiness! Here are some recent pics!
Yesterday I introduced Kaden and Kaleiah to their bumbo's! It was very cute and they enjoy them! It's a great way to strengthen their necks as they have to hold them up themselves! Also, it's probably really nice for them to get off their must get old! The best part was when they stared at each other. They are starting to become aware of one another. I can't wait until they can play together!
The babies are doing wonderful! It amazes me how much they have changed in the 3 months that they have been home. Their little personalities are so funny and beyond adorable. We are so excited to watch them grow and develop but part of me already misses the time when they won't be babies anymore. Time is flying by. I must say, I don't think it will never be "easy" with two but it has gotten "easier" as the months have passed. A few weeks ago Randy was in the Philippines for 10 days and my family stayed with me the whole time. It was great having the help and also having them see what a typical 24 hours looks like for me. The babies just had their 4 month check up on Feb. 2 and it went well! Dr. says they are doing great! Kaden now weighs a hefty 11 pounds 12 ounces and Kaleiah who feels light as a feather actually weighs 10 pounds 8 ounces! They also are the same exact length, 24 and 1/4 inches! They had to get two shots each and it breaks my heart every time. What mother wouldn't cringe seeing her baby in pain? I absolutely hate it! They both came down with fevers last night due to the shots and were very fussy bc of the pain so we had to give them infant tylenol for the first time! They didn;t seem to mind the taste. They also have to get another RSV shot on Thursday. It's the worst flu season in a while, their Dr. has 4 patients in the hospital w/ RSV and we personally know someone who's baby was just hospitalized with it. So we are still pretty protective about taking them out and keeping them covered if we do. So far, so good! We are so blessed that they are so healthy. One of the most exciting things for me right now is after 3 looong months of struggling to breast feed, I am now doing it exclusively. No more pumping, no more bottles. It's a wonderful thing and a time where I get to marvel at them and bond with them. It feels really good to have not given up and persevered. It was a very bumpy road but like with everything else, we made it. Here are some recent pictures of the sweet peas! Enjoy!